
Best Prices on the Market

We are the Manufacturer's VIP Client

VIP Order Price

We always get the best order price from the manufacturer

Top Priority Shipping

We have the highest priority when the manufacturer starts shipping

VIP After-sales Service

We get the best after-sales service from the manufacturer

Why can we offer the best price?

No Middleman Markup

We order directly from the manufacturer

Sell Futures Miners

We can get the best order price from the manufacturer

No Inventory

We don't have to pay extra for a large warehouse.

Huobi to lay off over 300 staff members in the middle of its fiasco with PI network: report

No Middleman Markup

There are too many middlemen in the cryptocurrency mining machine market. Typically, the retail price of a miner goes up by about 5% for every middleman it goes through. We never order from middlemen, but directly from the manufacturer, so we don’t have to pay middlemen.

Sell Futures Miners

The price of futures miners is usually lower than the price of spot miners. When we order futures miners from the manufacturer, we also get a lower order price, so we can offer better prices to our customers. Therefore, most of the time we only sell futures miners.

No Inventory

Normally all the futures miners we sell are ordered before the shipping date. If they are not ordered, we give them away to other sellers at cost price before they are shipped. This way we don’t have to pay extra rent for a large warehouse.

Why choose us?

We’ll be by your side every step of the way to make sure your purchase is risk-free and hassle-free. We love cryptocurrency and our goal is to make you happy with our services. Find out how we stand out from the crowd and why you will benefit from working with us.

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